
At Shine, our documentation and communication caters to a wide variety of observation styles including learning journeys, running records, anecdotal records, jottings, time samples, child notes, photo journals and more. Observations (group & Individual) ensures each child’s learning and development is being assessed as part of an ongoing cycle of planning, documenting and evaluating.

Experiences are planned or spontaneous and effortlessly capture a holistic view of learning and development experiences across all children for the entire service.

Programmed experiences automatically scaffold learning from observations and journal entries, allowing educators to concentrate on delivering excellence in practice rather than paperwork.

Daily photo journal entries for each room form a basis for the curriculum. Journals provide families with an insight into the experiences and activities that have occurred at the service.

Our centres use EarlyWorks, an online comprehensive documentation and communication software that enables easy access to children’s portfolios of observations, journals, images and family communications in just one click.

View children’s current learning, areas of strength and their progression towards goals. Children’s progress towards learning outcomes and authentically observed developmental milestones are captured and recorded.


Families have access to view:

  • The Daily Journal
  • Your child’s observations
  • Your child’s daily communication
  • Photos of individual and groups of children
  • Monthly calendar’s
  • The Shine Times newsletter
  • The Program
  • Individual and Group Family notices and reminders
childcare services