
Children in their first five years of life are developing rapidly and require a nutritious diet for their intellectual, behavioural and physical development.

We believe that helping children eat healthy meals will develop long term positive eating habits and this is a shared responsibility between our educators, families and the children.

Education and fun learning activities in relation to healthy eating is also important for children’s development.

The current nutritionally balanced menu is prepared inhouse and on display in our foyer for families to view.

Daily meals provided include morning tea, a cooked lunch, afternoon tea and late snack.

Morning and afternoon tea consist of in season fruit and vegetables together with a variety of healthy meals along with milk or water.

A cooked lunch is prepared daily and is designed to be both appropriately nutritious and appealing to the children.

Our menu meets the required servings in conjunction with the Australian Dietary Guidelines.

An image of children in early learning childcare centre.